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The Top 3 meets the third Wednesday of each month at 3:30 in the Club Tohoku’s Gray Room.

Focus 5/6 meets the second Friday of the month at 11:30am in the Club Tohoku’s Faultline.

The First Four meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3:30pm in the Club Tohoku’s Faultline.

The Air Force Sgts Assn meets the last Wednesday of the month at 11:30 in the Club Tohoku’s Aomori Lounge.

Single or Unaccompanied NCO group meets on the first Saturday of each month in the Community Center.

The Extensive Gamers Organization host Gaming Day from 4pm until???? on the first Saturday of each month in the Community Center.

Misawa Toastmasters meet on the each Thursdays of the month in the Community Center at 5pm.

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